Gegeven dat onze gast bij voorkeur Engels spreekt zal ik de gast van vandaag ook in het Engels introduceren. This week we have Virginie Gonzalez on the show, she is the Head of the Strategic Transformation Office for NN Group.
Virginie grew up in Lyon, France.
Virginie has so far had a very much international career in the world of banking and insurance. However, she started her career in the year 2000 at media agencies, but after a few years she moved to work for ING as Head of Brand and Communication at ING Direct in France. After holding positions of responsibility at the company’s Central Office in Amsterdam, coordinating 9 countries in the area of marketing, advertising and brand management, she moved to Spain as Marketing Manager at ING Nationale-Nederlanden, moving from the business of banking to insurance.
A few years later, she became Spain’s CMO and became part of the countries’ Management Committee. She led the rebranding of the company within the process of separating the banking and insurance business of the ING Group and the transformation program that laid the foundations for making Nationale-Nederlanden or NN.
The last 3+ years she is back in the Netherlands as the Head of the Strategic Transformation Office globally.
NN Group is active in 18 countries, with an especially strong presence in Europe and Japan. To give you a grasp of the size of the NN group: it had in 2019 a whopping 20 billion total income with a net result of 1.9 billion. In the first half year of 2020 NN group has an operating result of almost a billion and therefore, for now, the insurer has done relatively well in the light of the corona virus crisis.
Back to Virginie, she holds a Master’s degree in Management, with a specialisation in marketing from EDHEC Business School in Lille/France. In 2016 she also did an executive leadership program at THNK leadership called “creative leadership”: this is a six month part-time program comprising of four weeklong intensive modules.
Finally, Virginie runs marathons and she ran the NYC marathon in 2008 and 2019.
She is 43 lives with Amsterdam and is married and has a daughter of 8 years old.

Organisaties die worden aangehaald:
Delta Lloyd
Human Capital Services
New York Marathon
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Yoram Schwarz
Robin Buijs
Jos Baeten
Termen die worden aangehaald:
Kundalini Yoga
Boeken/TV/Series die worden aangehaald:
The Lean Startup: how Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (2011)
Eric Ries
The Corporate Startup: how established companies can develop successful innovation ecosystems (2017)
Tendayi Viki
La réconciliation: De la haine du corps à l’amour de soi (2019)
Lili Barbery-Coulon
Becoming (2018)
Michelle Obama
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