The Leaders in Finance AML Netherlands Event in October 2023 connected over 70 organizations, focusing on adapting methods to combat financial crimes. Keynote speaker Jim Lee emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships. Panel discussions covered various AML topics, including the role of cash, the  risk-based approach, and AI’s potential impact. Tom Loonen gave a research update on the role of the  KYC analysts. Research by Nicholas Lord highlighted the globalized nature of the online shelf company market, revealing its use in illicit activities. The event emphasized the need for awareness, education, and collaboration to tackle financial crimes effectively.
Read the full summary here.






*** Tom Loonen, Professor Financial Law & Integrity at VU Amsterdam ***

“I see it happening slowly, but not enough: cooperation between the private and public sectors. It is understandable that the public sector places the responsibility for AML/CFT on the private sector. Yet this sector cannot do it alone. By jointly acknowledging the problem and also agreeing on approaches, fighting financial crime will become more effective.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-tom-loonen/ 

*** Helène Erftemeijer, Sector Coordinator AML/CFT & Subversive Crime NVB ***

“I think in the Netherlands, the gatekeeper role is often still seen as an equivalent to banks. But there are a lot more gatekeepers. And if we look at criminal money flows in the Netherlands, everybody immediately thinks of drug trafficking. But look at what they found out through the decryption of those PGP communications. A major part is not passing through banks but actually making use of underground banking networks. So what I am still looking for is – and you have heard me saying that –  is that we need to focus on what the real risks are.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-helene-erftemeijer/

*** Johannes Lont, Manager Financial Economic Crime at RiskQuest ***

“It is nice to see that as financial sector, we are not only concerned about the stability of the financial system, but also its integrity. Both are essential to ensure that people trust the financial system and make use of it. In the past years, we have learnt a lot about detecting financial crime, and I really like that a more open discussion now takes place on key aspects like having a risk-based approach related to the formulation of the risk appetite. Also, it is nice to see how we are converging towards a more mature model landscape, with a healthy combination of business rules and more advanced models that complement each other.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-johannes-lont/

*** Suzanne Visser, Head Anti Money Laundering Centre FIOD, NL ***

“Something we would like to see happening more is international cooperation of data-exchange. For instance, most criminal assets from Dutch people are hidden abroad, while the Netherlands are being used for criminal assets from foreigners. If more data is exchanged internationally, these cases can be addressed more effectively. In addition, more international operational cooperation on intelligence would increase the effectiveness of finding these criminals.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-suzanne-visser/

*** Nicholas Lord – Professor of Criminology, University of Manchester ***

“We need to generate much better and more data. First of all, data on the organisation of financial crimes and money laundering in order to better understand how these behaviours are being organised across jurisdictions or domestically, and an understanding of which conditions or structures need to be in place for those crimes to occur in the way that they do. Then we can better intervene with those key critical points of vulnerability that can be identified. I think, secondly, we also need much better and more data on what works and under which conditions. So a better evaluation of the interventions and mechanisms that we currently have as part of the AML regime.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-nicholas-lord/

*** Ali el Hassouni – Head of Data at bunq, PhD in Artificial Intelligence ***

“When talking about our transaction monitoring system, I tend to always explain there are ‘known knowns’, ‘unknown knowns’, ‘known unknowns’ and the ‘unknown unknowns’. And the biggest problem for data scientists tackling transaction monitoring is ‘unknown unknowns’. Something that we do not know might be a ‘known known’ for another bank. So collaboration can be better for everybody. There are initiatives like Transaction Monitoring Netherlands that helps unite forces within the financial system and tackle financial crime together. Collaboration is key in this area because when you collaborate, you can actually be more effective as a system.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-ali-el-hassouni/ 

*** Krik Gunning – CEO and Co-founder Fourthline ***

“It is great to see that a lot of financial regulators – we speak to different ones across Europe – are actually very open to technology, provided that you properly explain to them what it is you are doing and how you are using it. Regulators do not like a black box where they are not told what is happening and you just tell them it is pure magic. But if you actually take the time to run them through how you leverage technology at a very high-quality level, a very high level of integrity and especially in a way that you can explain afterwards, I think regulators are very open to that.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-krik-gunning/

*** Steffie Schwillens, Head Of Department Financial Crime Supervision, DNB ***

“The pressure that is felt by the banking sector on this topic, also came with its side effects. Effects like those you will probably also discuss in the cash panel – think about de-risking for example and the large operational burden for organisations. The felt pressure led to a technical compliance-driven way of dealing with this topic. We are now in the midst of trying to make a transfer to a mature way of risk management regarding this topic. Just like many other risk areas like credit risk or interest rate risk. I think we are in the middle of that now, and there are many interesting conversations to be had about that in the coming period.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-steffie-schwillens/ 


This Leaders in Finance Event is about Anti Money Laundering. The event should be of great interest to leaders in the financial services industry (involved in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing) as well as AML partners in the chain of organizations working in the field, both governmental and private actors. Officers are: managing directors, directors, managers and teamleads.

With this event we have a clear mission and focus on achievements!

  1. First, we want to bring the (financial) professionals in the European AML space together and to facilitate knowledge sharing.
  2. Secondly, we hope to add value in the deepening of cooperation between the different stakeholders in the AML chain of involved organizations, among other things, by facilitating the forming of new relationships and to deepen existing relationships.
  3. Finally, above all we want to achieve that all participants will travel home after the conference full of energy and enthusiasm


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