Leaders in Finance AML Europe 2024 (invite only)



This Leaders in Finance European Event is about Anti Money Laundering. The event should be of great interest to leaders in the financial services industry (involved in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing) as well as AML partners in the chain of organizations working in the field, both governmental and private actors. Officers are: managing directors, directors, managers and teamleads.

With this event we have a clear mission and focus on achievements!

First, we want to bring the (financial) professionals in the European AML space together and to facilitate knowledge sharing.

Secondly, we hope to add value in the deepening of cooperation between the different stakeholders in the AML chain of involved organizations, among other things, by facilitating the forming of new relationships and to deepen existing relationships.

Finally, above all we want to achieve that all participants will travel home after the conference full of energy and enthusiasm


Febelfin Academy vzw
Koning Albert II Laan 19
1210 Brussel – België


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