Leaders in Sustainable Finance 2025




To be announced


On Thursday 1 February 2024, around 270 professionals from the Netherlands financial services industry gathered at the Antropia conference venue in Zeist to discuss the role of the financial services sector in sustainable transition. The theme of the event was: Transition: what is the pain and what is there to gain?” This document summarizes the speeches and presentations at the event. It is not a transcript of what was said, but provides a paraphrased synopsis of the key points made. It has been prepared and published by Leaders in Finance. Leaders in Finance would like to thank KPMG and Mark McKenzie, Director at KPMG, for their support. 

 Key messages that were heard often at the event included:

  • The need for action is urgent
  • It is important to go beyond compliance with reporting regulation in order to drive real change
  • The FS sector has great power to drive sustainable transition through its customers and value chain
  • The financial services sector needs to focus on the impacts it has on people and the planet, not on “tick-box” ESG reporting criteria.





‘In the run-up to the event, you will find various pre-event interviews here’.


*Marnix Kluiters, Founder Ecosofie *

“After completing my studies, I started the “Ecosofie” podcast, where I interview experts about topics varying between ecology, economy and philosophy. I firmly believe that these facets of life should be integrated. The main question I like to find an answer for is: ‘How can we live a good life between planetary boundaries?’. I have been working on the podcast for five years now, during which I have had the privilege of interviewing over 100 experts. From former prime ministers, entrepreneurs to CEOs like Feike Sijbesma.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-marnix-kluiters/

* Leonie Jesse, Associate Director KPMG Sustainable Finance *

“I believe the primary challenge for financial institutions lies not in the regulations themselves, but the fact that it touches each and every department within the organization. It affects areas, from risk management till marketing, making it a horizontally integrated matter. Unlike many regulatory issues that tend to be vertical, this horizontal approach poses the greatest challenge for financial institutions. Additionally, I think that having the knowledge within these financial institutions is also a big challenge. The horizontal nature of the approach necessitates knowledge across all departments, not just specific expertise on individual topics like SFTR, CSRD, biodiversity, human rights, or any other relevant subject. It requires people that have the full overview, an overarching holistic view of these difficult topics, which, in my view, makes it particularly challenging.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-leonie-jesse/

* Pauline Bieringa: Managing Director, Triodos Bank Nederland *

“The necessary and inevitable transitions (Triodos Bank has earmarked five, on which we focus: energy, food, wellbeing, societal and resources) will have huge financing requirements. As we do not have the legacy which hinders other financial institutions in their transition to sustainable finance, I believe it is our responsibility as Triodos to remain the front runner in this field, share our knowledge and expertise and cooperate with our partners in the financial services industry.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-pauline-bieringa/

*Kees Vendrik, Chairman National Climate Platform *

“The largest task for the financial industry is to have a closer look at the carbon footprint of your assets and portfolio and start to phase out fossil finance. This is a tough challenge because an individual financial institution might find it quite difficult to step out. So, what we need is a collaborative approach within the financial industry, as demonstrated by the climate commitment. Enhanced cooperation with the government, both national and European, is essential to set clear targets for different sectors. Facing the reality of stranded assets and engaging in deep conversations about the transition’s relationship with financial stability is necessary. It requires a proactive approach, looking beyond short-term gains.”
Read the full interview here: https://www.leadersinfinance.nl/pre-event-interview-kees-vendrik/


This Leaders in Finance Event is about Compliance. The event should be of great interest to leaders working directly in Compliance, but also to leaders for whom Compliance is not daily business, but an important factor in strategy development.

Officers are: managing directors, directors, managers and teamleads. With this event we have a clear mission and focus on achievements!

  1. First, we want to bring the (financial) professionals in the Compliance space together and encourage knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices.
  2. Secondly, we hope to add value in the deepening of cooperation between the different stakeholders in the Compliance sector, among other things, by facilitating the forming of new relationships and to deepen existing relationships.
  3. Finally, above all we want to achieve that all participants will travel home after the conference full of energy and enthusiasm.


Antropia, Cultuur- en Congrescentrum
Hoofdstraat 8
3972 LA Driebergen-Rijsenburg

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